Monday, 21 January 2013

Opportunity of a lifetime

Do you have anything planned this summer (2013)?

Would you like to climb Mount Kilimanjaro?

If you would like to take part in this once in a lifetime 'free' opportunity, you have to complete a 500 word response to the following question: "Why do people climb mountains?" and submit it to Mr Draper in C10 by the end of the week - 25th Jan 2013.

We will then select the best 3 students and submit our application via video to the Transformation Trust.


  1. Entries are in and the judging begins. Mr D.

  2. Congratulations to Mohammed, Najeeb and Younes. Their winning entries and accompanying team video will be sent off to the Transformation Trust with the hope of winning this opportunity of a lifetime:

    Commiserations to the other entrants, we will look for other opportunities like this. Mr D
